Life at Mergify

Life at Mergify

We are a distributed, remote-first company valuing work-life balance. We organize retreats regularly, usually once a quarter, to regroup every collaborator in the same place. This allows us to work together with a high bandwidth and to get social.

Inspired by open-source best practices, we work asynchronously β€” most of the time.


Julien Danjou, co-founder and CEO

As a product, Mergify is a tool that helps engineering teams getting less frustrated and more productive. As a company, I think it’s building a great team of people trying to solve this problems in the field we are.

β€” Julien Danjou, Co-Founder and CEO

Trust, Inclusion and Values


We trust people to organize and share their time between their work and their personal life. We understand that you need to care of items outside work. We encourage flexibility in settings your working hours to match your schedule. We know people can't be at 100% all the time. We encourage people to take PTO to recharge their batteries and take care of themselves.

Diversity, inclusion and belonging are fundamental to the success of Mergify. We aim to make a significant impact in our efforts to foster an environment where everyone can thrive. We are designing a multidimensional approach to ensure that Mergify is a place where people from every background and circumstance feel like they belong and can contribute.

We don't judge people's ideas depending on their job title. Every idea can be valuable on its own merits and must be evaluated based on their content, not based on its contributor. As we are a young company, anything is possible and on the table. There are no absolute wrong options. Everyone needs to be open to any new idea.


Our dedication to environmental sustainability is seamlessly woven into our core values, guiding our business approach and the way we engage with the world. We believe in making conscious efforts to minimize our carbon footprint and play a proactive role in combating global warming. Our annual carbon impact studies enable us to monitor our emissions, adapt our practices, and pursue ongoing enhancements in our environmental efforts. As a fully remote company, we not only provide an optimal work-life balance for our employees, but also significantly decrease our overall greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating daily commutes and reducing office energy consumption. Being part of our team is being a part of a collective that is passionate about creating state-of-the-art software solutions while maintaining a mindful approach towards the well-being of our planet and future generations.

Mehdi Abakouk, co-founder and CTO

If like us, you think that development quality matters, join Mergify and help us build the developer tool of tomorrow.

β€” Mehdi Abaakouk, Co-Founder and CTO

Autonomy and Openness

We say why, not just what. Transparent changes have the reasons for the change laid out clearly along with the change itself. This leads to fewer questions later on because people already have some understanding. A change with no public explanation can lead to a lot of extra rounds of questioning, which is less efficient.


We value autonomy in every aspect of the job. That means people are free to organize their work and thDeir time. We don't require people to have a consistent working hours nor we encourage long working hours.

We are open about as many things as possible. By making information public, we can reduce the threshold to contribution and make collaboration easier. Use public issue trackers, projects, and repositories when possible.

Everyone works remotely. This means we organize our work to be mostly asynchronous. As it’s no fun to be alone, we retreat every quarter in a nice place to have fun, work together and relax.


Mathieu Poissard, Head of Marketing

The project is very interesting. It is product-oriented and targeting the international market. That comes with a lot of new challenges for me.

β€” Mathieu Poissard, Head of Marketing

If those values resonate with you, check out our open positions and apply!